Learner Manager Reference Data
To enable the rolling forward of an enrolment from one occurrence to another, the Roll Fwd Calendar Code field on the Calendar Occurrences window must be populated with the target occurrence when configuring occurrences to associate with calendar types.
The following reference data is applicable to the Learner Manager module:

To enable the rolling forward of an enrolment from one occurrence to another, the Roll Fwd Calendar Code field on the Calendar Occurrences window must be populated with the target occurrence when configuring occurrences to associate with calendar types.
To add a calendar occurrence:
Select Calendar Types from the reference data List View.
The Calendar Types reference data screen is displayed.
Click the Occurrences button on the Admin Commands ribbon.
The Calendar Occurrences window is displayed.
Click Add to add a row to the grid.
Enter the details in the relevant fields.
The Start Date and End Date fields are mandatory. The Roll Fwd Calendar Code field is required to be set to the relevant target occurrence.
- Click Save & Exit to return to the Calendar Types reference data screen.

Use this reference data to define types of attainment for learners (that is: what a learner can achieve while studying on a programme, course, unit, and so on).
You must have the AttainmentsPLRImport licence to use PLR Attainments functionality.
The codes to be used are all user-definable and you need to enter the codes for those attainment types which the organisation supports. The code for attainment type is used against each attainment recorded in the Learner Attainments table.